Initiate the future of construction.
Nobody can predict what the future will look like. But, we can initiate processes that affect that future. At the Zukunftsagentur Bau we are researching today how the construction industry will work tomorrow and what benefits people can derive from it. Many interesting topics from the continuous increase in energy efficiency to the use of robotics in construction form the basis for the innovations of the next few years.
Follow us on the exciting journey into the future of the construction industry.
Digitaler Produktpass für das Bauwesen
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
DigiBauRech - Digital invoice items for the construction industry
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz