Digitisation of the construction sector
Digitalization in construction refers to the integration of digital technologies and processes into the planning, construction and operation of construction projects. This digitalization has the potential to significantly improve efficiency, accuracy, sustainability and cost-effectiveness in the construction industry.
Digitaler Produktpass für das Bauwesen
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
DigiBauRech - Digital invoice items for the construction industry
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
BAU.Live: Digital and smart construction site management without compromise
Thu 09. March 2023, 10:30 - 12:00
The construction industry is changing. intelligent construction site management is an essential part of this change....
The construction industry is changing. intelligent construction site management is an essential part of this change....