DigiBauRech - Digital invoice items for the construction industry
Digital construction documentation with extended invoice data at item level.
Process-related data provision for the construction industry
Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-sized construction companies - this is the promise of a new IT project commissioned by the Federal Construction Guild together with the Austrian construction information service provider Inndata Datentechnik. The aim is to make the required information, which is already distributed across various sources, available digitally in a process-related manner.
funded by:

Additional project information
Making data sources available
When construction companies have to prove the life cycle assessment of their construction work, they essentially need the construction products, their exact properties and EPD parameters as well as the actual quantities. All of this information is available. The quantities on the delivery bill, the PDF files on countless manufacturer websites with endless evaluation tables of the products according to EPD. For construction companies, data in this form can only be compared and used with considerable effort. It is also difficult for the client to understand which building materials were actually used in which quantities in the building complex. For example, deviations in material quantities cannot be identified.
The provision of documentable item data with article, quantity, price and product properties (e.g. EPD) for any software systems of construction companies. Any software systems are thus given the opportunity to obtain structured, documentable information from the sources of the ERP of the respective building materials dealer combined with the content data of the building materials industry via a web service that is generally valid throughout Austria and to use it for documentation purposes, cost accounting, post-calculation and taxonomy verifications.
For this purpose, the specific requirements for content and interfaces must be coordinated with trade, industry and software companies and a cost-efficient IT mapping must be found for as many market participants as possible (trade, industry, commerce). The existing structures of the project partner Inndata can be used for this purpose
- Comprehensive survey of relevant requirements and current or future data availability
- Development of a communication structure for user-friendly documentation
- Software implementation in the data center and at interface level with software partners and market participants
Advanteges of the project:
For the construction industry:
- Construction companies can obtain all the necessary data quickly and easily via just one interface. This data is available in a format that is compatible with the company's IT systems and ensures comparability
- This makes it much easier to comply with future verification obligations, as the data is already available for use
For software companies:
- To create a data interface for builders' merchants, software companies only need to establish networking with the new, common interface instead of developing a separate interface for each market participant's software systems.
For commercial enterprises:
- Commercial enterprises that want to have an overview of their data returns are provided with their data in an uncomplicated way and can maintain their tried and tested ordering processes.
In addition, digital document management makes a not inconsiderable contribution to ecological construction, as large amounts of resources (e.g. paper), process errors and time are saved in the process sequences.
All content-related results are made available to the market free of charge, e.g. as part of the ZAB's "Digital Maturity Level" study.
Planned implementation period:
Summer 2023 until Dezember 2024