Planning, building and operating in cycles requires a rethink in the construction industry. Topics such as the reuse of surfaces and materials, the conversion and repurposing of existing buildings, the development of new recycling technologies and joining processes as well as the further development of BIM and a material building passport are becoming increasingly relevant.
In order to support SMEs in the construction sector in this transformation, a network of service centers is being created as part of the EU-funded Interreg Italy Austria project "ATTENTION".

What does circular economy mean for construction companies?
The individual "HUBS" of the cross-border network provide access to the latest developments in the fields of architecture, technology and materials and support companies with specific issues:
What does circular economy mean for my company? How can my company increase the use of secondary raw materials? How can the projects and products on offer become more circular? What examples have already been implemented? Which national and EU legal requirements specifically affect my company?
The aim of the project is to improve the skills of the companies involved in the construction sector. In addition to the creation of service centers, training courses, seminars and information events are offered for multipliers and the building trade.
Project term:
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
EU Interreg Italia - Austria
Project coordination:
t2i - Technologie transfers and innovation s.c. a r.l.
Project partners:
Eurac Research / Camera di Commercio Industria artigianato agricoltura di Treviso Belluno / Uni Innsbruck / ANCE FVG / Zukunftsagentur Bau