With the newly created resources, the ZAB will, in addition to the important construction research projects, implement user-oriented projects in the field of digitization & innovation for the construction industry in future. And above all, it will attempt to provide direct support for construction companies by creating a digitization network.
The reason for this was the immense need for support with regard to future challenges, as well as the increasing awareness of the construction industry for the area of digitalization and innovation. The Austrian Building Academies (BAUAkademien) continue to act as an interface between knowledge generation and application with practice-oriented training and continuing education.
Building on the important successes such as the online learning platform E-BAULEHRE or the MSc Building Information Modeling part-time course, even more "digital" projects are to be implemented in education and training. Because only if the companies can transport the knowledge into their businesses, a real and direct benefit can be achieved quickly and sustainably.