Improving zero-waste processes in the value chains of the construction sector
Welcome to Mission Future!
In the new „Zukunftsagentur Bau“, the federal guild, the state guilds, the BAUAkademien and the Kompetenzzentrum Bauforschung bundle the accumulated knowledge in the areas of research, digitization and education in one institution that will make a significant contribution to the future development of the construction industry. Experience how the established research activities of the Kompetenzzentrum Bauforschung and the extensive practice-oriented training and further education offer of the BAUAkademie combine to form a knowledge network of a new dimension.
Follow us on the exciting journey into the future of the construction industry.

Research, digitization as well as education and training are key future topics for the construction industry. In order to bundle existing activities in these three fields of action and to bring further measures into being, the Austrian Builders' Association founded the Zukunftsagentur Bau. It is intended to coordinate research projects throughout Austria, network them with one another and disseminate and exploit the results for the benefit of the construction industry.
Bmstr. Ing. Robert Jägersberger - Federal Guild of Construction Master, Deputy Guild Master Lower Austria

When it comes to digitization, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the construction industry. The Zukunftsagentur Bau can help our construction companies with the digital transformation through knowledge transfer.
Bmstr. Dipl.Ing. Anton Rieder - Federal Guild of Construction Master Deputy, State Guild of Construction Master Tyrol

In order to be successful in the future, our construction companies must seize the opportunities of digitization, pick up innovations and put them into practice. The Zukunftsagentur Bau will support us in this!
Bmstr. Ing. Norbert Christian Hartl, MSc MBA - Federal Guild of Construction Master Deputy, State Guild of Construction Master Upper Austria

The declared goal of the ZAB is to strengthen innovation and research in the Austrian construction industry by creating and bundling new knowledge and making it usable in practice for our local companies.
Bmstr. Ing. Peter Dertnig - State Guild of Construction Master Salzburg
Digitaler Produktpass für das Bauwesen
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
Team Research & Future Topics
Advancing construction research & innovation and making knowledge usable for small and medium-sized construction companies in Austria - that's what we're working on!
DigiBauRech - Digital invoice items for the construction industry
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
RiBa - Recycling in Use
Applying recycling in construction: A contribution to more circular economy in construction.
Cool*Alps – TAB goes Green Deal
Carbon neutral and resource efficient Alpine Space
The 3 sections for a successful future
With the newly created resources, the ZAB will, in addition to the important construction research projects, implement user-oriented projects in the f...
Departments at Zukunftsagentur Bau
Research & Future Topics
Team Research & Future Topics
Advancing construction research & innovation and making knowledge usable for small and medium-sized construction companies in Austria - that's what we're working on!
RiBa - Recycling in Use
Applying recycling in construction: A contribution to more circular economy in construction.
Cool*Alps – TAB goes Green Deal
Carbon neutral and resource efficient Alpine Space
Buildings as a building block of the energy future / Salzburg
Das neue überregionale Projekt von Bayern und Salzburg.
Digital Transformation & Innovation
Digitaler Produktpass für das Bauwesen
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
DigiBauRech - Digital invoice items for the construction industry
Process-related data provision for the construction industry - Objective: Making taxonomy, life cycle assessment rules, cost auditing and construction documentation manageable for small and medium-siz
Education & Communication
BAU.Live: Digital and smart construction site management without compromise
Thu 09. March 2023, 10:30 - 12:00
The construction industry is changing. intelligent construction site management is an essential part of this change....
The construction industry is changing. intelligent construction site management is an essential part of this change....