the mirror

The project "mirror", the freshly occupied residential high-rise in the new Reininghaus quarter, proves that good architecture, sustainability and affordable living quality are by no means a contradiction - an on-site inspection reveals many of the special qualities.

Building owner

ÖSW housing developer GmbH



Specialist planning

Structural engineering: Petschnigg ZT GmbH; Special civil engineering: Keller Grundbau GmbH
General contractor:

Heating demand

22,99 kWh/m²

Das Gebäude bzw. die Gebäudeblocks sind im Hintergrund zu sehen. Mit seiner rot/braunen Fassaden-Farbe hebt es sich deutlich vom grünen Park mit Bäumen und Wiesen ab
Jakob Vinzenz Zöbl

By 2025, a total of 10,000 people will live in rented, owner-occupied or subsidized apartments on the 54-hectare site of the former traditional Graz brewery. The public connection has been perfect for almost a year with the streetcar, and you don't really need a car here. There are offices, commercial space as well as retail, a school campus and kindergarten follow - and a lot of green.

Around half of the new district has already been completed, including Quartier 5 with the mirror high-rise residential building. The building ensemble consists of three components, with up to 20 stories and a two-story base structure along the promenade. There are a total of 447 rental apartments and 108 condominiums.

The developer is also pleased about the successful completion and the satisfied residents. In addition, the ÖSW project has just received the "Residential Buildings of the Year" award in the "Residential High-Rise" category. The "Residential Buildings of the Year" award showcases the best realized residential construction projects from the entire German-speaking region in a wide variety of categories.

(Text: Gisela Gary; Z+B magazine; in shortened form)

Im Vordergrund sind Bäume und eine Wiese zu sehen. Im Hintergrund das Gebäude mit seinen umlaufenden Balkonen und der rot/braunen Farbe.
Jakob Vinzenz Zöbl
Der Gebäudekomplex mit seinen unterschiedlich hohen Gebäudeteilen auf dem zweistöckigen Basis-Teil
Jakob Vinzenz Zöbl
Eine Frau mit Kind im Vordergrund vor dem Gebäude
Jakob Vinzenz Zöbl