On behalf of the Austrian Housing Association, BauKarussell planned the dismantling of the former J. Hornig coffee roastery in Graz in 2023 with a clear focus on circular economy. The aim was to maximize the possible reuse of the materials. As part of the project, temporary cultural use was also made possible, meaning that certain parts of the infrastructure were retained for events. The dismantling began with the removal of pollutants, with the bfi Steiermark removing around four tons of material. Through the early integration of ecological and social aspects, such as collaboration with cultural initiatives, the location was able to offer social added value and be filled with life even before the actual new building was built.
10.000 m²
Österreichischen Wohnbaugenossenschaft (ÖWG)
- 418 hours of employment/5 people
- 4.3 tons disposed of
- 4.9 tons recycled