ASG - Residential complex
The ASG residential complex on the northern edge of Vienna, close to the Marchfeld Canal, comprises two buildings with a striking saw-tooth structure that allows for a variety of lighting and views. The buildings were constructed using a mixed construction method consisting of in-situ concrete slabs with a recycled content of 22% and prefabricated brick walls.
3.872 m²

The construction project on the northern edge of Vienna, adjacent to the Marchfeld Canal, consists of two new buildings with a striking sawtooth structure inspired by diagonal property boundaries. This design offers versatile lighting and views, while staggered balconies give the buildings a sculptural appearance. The buildings were constructed using a mixed construction method with in-situ concrete ceilings and prefabricated brick walls. The façades combine smooth and grooved plaster textures for a tactile quality, while colourful, glazed bricks give the building entrances an individual look. The flat layouts follow a square grid and offer communal areas on the ground floor.