Richardstraße primary school
Richardstraße primary school in Hamburg responded to growing pupil numbers with a three-storey extension. The new building, which cost 5.7 million euros, permanently accommodates four parallel classes and offers modern specialist and classrooms as well as an exercise room, administration areas and a children's cookery studio. The new building is barrier-free, has a green roof with a photovoltaic system and was built using resource-saving recycled concrete.
1.350 m²
SBH Schulbau Hamburg

The old two-form entry primary school from the 1950s was demolished due to its poor condition and replaced by a modern new three-form entry building with all-day operation. The three-storey building was erected compactly behind the previous school, supplemented by a single-storey all-day area with a dining room and connection to the daycare centre. A central break hall serves as an assembly hall and connects the functions on the ground floor. Year groups and specialist classes are organised in groups, with open learning areas at the centre. The new building offers modern learning environments and optimised spatial conditions.
In addition to the modern architecture, resource-saving recycled concrete was used in the school building, which was developed by three Hamburg-based companies and the Hamburg University of Technology as part of the EU-funded CIRCuIT project. The project, which was subsidised with 10 million euros, promoted sustainable construction through recycling and urban mining. The materials were separated by type at demolition sites and processed as high-quality raw materials for the production of recycled concrete.