Office building COPA-DATA

Encased in a homogeneous, satin-matt metal façade, the exterior of the compact new office building of software developer COPA-DATA conveys the objectivity, precision, intrinsic value and functionality that the customers of the Salzburg-based family business expect from their contractor. The value that can be experienced on the outside is complemented on the inside by a stimulating, thermally and acoustically optimized, multifaceted working environment. The immediacy of the construction, which is expressed by the execution of the walls and ceilings in fair-faced concrete construction without cladding or floor superstructures, supports the high flexibility in the appropriation by the employees.

Building owner

Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH 




Architects office HALLE 1
Arch. DI Gerhard Sailer
Employees: Arch. DI. Stephan Podbelsek
                         DI. Clara Ehgartner

Specialist planning

Site management: SBG-Schild Bau GmbH
Structutal engineering: DI Johann Lienbacher
Fire protection: Golser Technisches Büro GmbH
Building physics: Bauphysik Team Zwittlinger & Staffl Engineering OG
Building simulation and energy design: Ingenieurbüro Gratzl e.U
Photovoltaics: Revolta Energietechnik GmbH
Geotechnics: Premstaller Geotechnik ZT-GmbH
Building services: gmbh
Electrical engineering: GSENGER & TABAKOFF GmbH & Co KG
Construction company: Hartl Bau GmbH

Zu sehen ist das Gebäude in der vollständigen Ansicht von aussen.
Mag. art. Gebhard Sengmüller, Wien

The first floor - a coworking area with a central lecture room - serves as a social meeting and encounter zone for customers and employees and represents the philosophy of a future-oriented, digital working world with casual interaction lived by COPA-DATA. Open work and communication areas are located on the upper floors. Due to the open routing of all media, it is possible to react flexibly to future developments in personnel and group formation.

A dynamic simulation was used to target the strengthening of the passive suitability of the building with PV system, deep probes and monovalent brine-to-water heat pump already in the preliminary design phase. Heat and cold are dissipated directly upwards and downwards into the rooms via the monolithic intermediate ceilings without floor build-up. Hygienic room ventilation ensures a healthy working atmosphere; in addition, natural ventilation is possible at any time via openable windows.

The exterior objectivity and precision of the compact solitaire is complemented on the inside by a stimulating, thermally and acoustically optimized, multifaceted working environment.

(Text source: HALLE 1 Architekturbüro, in shortened form)

Zu sehen ist hier der Büro-Innenraum, mit Sichtestrich, Akkustikelemnenten an der Decke und Sichtbeton-Säulen im Raum. Im hintergrund sich Schreibtischen und Glaswände zu sehen.
Mag. art. Gebhard Sengmüller, Wien
Der Eingangsbereich des Gebäudes. Im linken Bildteil ist eine Tribüne mit Stufen aus Beton angeordnet. An der Decke sind sichtbare Installationen, rechts ist eine Glasfassade nach außen zu sehen.
Mag. art. Gebhard Sengmüller, Wien