
On the northern outskirts of Vienna - in the area of Berresgasse / Hausfeldstraße, 1220 Vienna - a new urban district is being created. On 19 hectares, approximately 3,000 apartments, offices, stores, leisure facilities, school and kindergarten places will be realized in stages until 2022/2024.

Bulding Owner

A KALLCO-Project for HAUSFELD project development GmbH



Heating Demand

33,45 kWh/m²a


On the northern outskirts of Vienna - in the area of Berresgasse / Hausfeldstraße, 1220 Vienna - a new urban district is being created. On 19 hectares, approximately 3,000 apartments, offices, stores, leisure facilities, school and kindergarten places will be realized in stages until 2022/2024.

com22PLUS as a car-free residential complex consists of two properties and is divided into several structures with two to six floors above ground.
Between the buildings are "passages" that provide access to the stairwells and a permeable pathway connection to the neighborhood. With plenty of greenery and open spaces, this network of paths offers just as much space for children and places for movement & encounters. The regionally designed close-meshed network of footpaths and cycle paths promotes mobility that is compatible with people and the environment. Not far from the new urban quarter, public transportation is available by bus, streetcar and subway.

With its own system patent KlimaLoop® PLUS, the energy stored in the earth as well as the energy available via air and sunlight is used highly efficiently for heating in winter and cooling in summer. (Text: KALLCO)
