Pädagogische Hochschule Baden

In Baden, in Lower Austria, a new campus has been built with an elementary school, the College of Education and a spacious sports hall with swimming pool. The client, BIG, relied entirely on exposed concrete and component activation according to the plans of the architects Marte.Marte - the PH Baden really got dressed up.

Building owner

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH



Specialist planning

construction company: Granit
formwork: Meva
building services: Sorz

Floor space

13.200 m²

Im Vordergrund sind Straße, Gründstreifen, Gehweg, Sträucher und Wiese zu sehen. Dahinter erstreckt sich das lange aber mit zwei Geschossen, flache Gebäude der PH Baden. Zu sehen sind drei Gebäudeteile verbinden durch einen überdachten Gang. Die Fassaden bestehen hauptsächlich aus Fenstern mit schwarzen massiven Rahmen. Rechts ist die Sporthalle aus Beton zu sehen.
Harald A. Jahn/Richard Tanzer

School starts at the Praxisvolksschule in Baden, a colorful hustle and bustle and many curious faces. The new building is characterized by a lot of glass and, above all, exposed concrete. Glimpses into the classes are possible - and desired. There are no childhood memories, there is no strict arrangement of desks and chairs, the furniture is rather loosely arranged, there is not even a blackboard. Nowadays, teaching is done via a screen that is as large as the old blackboard and also has a touchscreen function. The eight-class elementary school is also used by the prospective teachers from the adjacent building, the University of Education, to practice with the blackboard students in order to gain their first school teaching experience. It is still quiet on the campus, which offers everything that young hearts and students desire with a new cafeteria and a completely renovated gymnasium with swimming pool.

The PH Niederösterreich consists of four buildings. The old buildings were successively demolished and rebuilt or renovated. The new Praxisvolksschule was already handed over with the 2016 school year and is housed in its own building on two floors. Nine classrooms, two special education rooms, as well as open areas allow the use of different teaching methods. In addition, there is sufficient space for movement and retreat. The new canteen building has also been in operation since summer 2016.

Marte.marte architects build a lot with exposed concrete - and are simply convinced of the quality of the building material. In addition, concrete is used as a storage measure. Egon Ritter says that after initial problems, everything now works perfectly - the climate is very pleasant and both students and pupils obviously feel at home.

(Text: Gisela Gary; Z+B magazine; shortened form)

Zu sehen ist ein Hörsaal mit Sitzplätzen als Tribühne angeordnet. Die Sitze sind aus Holz. Einige Menschen sitzen im Raum. Vorn steht eine Lehrperson vor einer Leinwand. Duch Fenster kommt viel natürliches Licht in den Raum. An der Decke hängen weiße, rechteckige Akkustik-Elemente und Lichtröhren.
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Das Schwimmbecken ist zu sehen. Dieses ist mit grauen Fliesen umrandet. An den Startböcken springen kinder ins Wasser. Die Wände sind weiß und an einer Wand sind Fenster angeordnet. Am Ende des Beckens hängen digitale Uhren an der Wand.
Harald A. Jahn/Richard Tanzer
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Harald A. Jahn/Richard Tanzer
Zu sehen die Überdachung im Hof. Dahinter ist eines der Gebäude der Schule zu sehen. Dessen Fassade besteht aus Festern in schwarzen Rahmen und Beton. Auf dem Hof stehen drei junge Frauen.
Harald A. Jahn/Richard Tanzer
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Harald A. Jahn/Richard Tanzer