Mensa University Landshut

As an addition to the entrance ensemble to the university, a flat, transparent wooden building was realized that is oriented towards the campus and pond. Under the large "green roof", the dining area and open spaces interlock to form an attractive recreation zone.
The dining hall, divided into three areas, is suitable for a wide variety of alternative uses: From conferences, to concerts, to exclusive gala events. Together with the lecture hall building already planned by POS, an attractive and diverse overall ensemble can be occupied.

Building owner

State of Bavaria, State Building Authority Landshut



Specialist planning

Structural engineering: BC Ingenieure
Building services: Ingenieurbüro Scholz, Coplan AG
Building physic: IBO
Fire protection planning: Ralf Künzl

Eingang der Mensa mit Überdachtem Vorplatz. Die Holzkonstruktion ist durch Pfosten und Schalung an der Decke zu erkennen. Außen ist das Gebäude grau Verschalt. Tische mit Bänken zum Essen stehen vor der Glasfront.
Peter Litvai

The dining room is to be protected above all against overheating. This is achieved with the following measures: room height rising to 7m, high storage mass through massive concrete floor slab and intensive greening on the entire roof area. Cross ventilation during the day and at night, through precisely placed and sufficient ventilation wings, external shading at the front edge of the roof, evaporative cooling through generous planting and the water surface.

According to recent research, the combination of green roof / photovoltaic envisaged here has high synergy. Evaporation cools the PV, increasing its output. In this case, the intensive greenery also acts as a storage mass for the building and lowers temperature peaks.

n general, the shape of the building is designed in such a way that the morning and early midday sun can only reach the facade to a limited extent in order to avoid early heating. Only in winter, the flat sun can fall into the interior from midday, if desired. In the summer, when the sun is at a steep angle, the building and parts of the terrace are completely shaded by the canopy, the trees and the external sunshade.

(Text: POS architects)

Innenraum der Mensa. Stäbchenparkett, Holzlamellen an der Decke, und Pfosten aus Brettschichtholz in der Raummitte. Verteilt im Raum sind Tische mit Stühlen zum Aufenthalt sowie ein länglicher Stehtisch mit Barhockern.
Peter Litvai
Das Gebäude mit grauer Fassade und den Fensterfronten spiegelt sich im davor liegenden See. Einige junge Bäume sind vor der Mensa gepflanz worden.
Peter Litvai
Essensausgabe. Dunkelgraue Selbstbedienungs Theken in geschwungener Linie angeordnet. Eine Theke für Salate etc. in der Raummitte. Sehr heller Raum durch Parkett, Holzwände und Holzlamellen an der Decke.
Peter Litvai
Abendliche Aufnahme der Mensa. Die Innenräume sind hell erleuchtet und im Wasser siegeln sich die Lichter.
Peter Litvai