The remarkable residential complex on a commercially used base zone is located at the conspicuous intersection of Ziegelhofstrasse and Quadenstrasse, opposite the Hirschstetten flower garden.
A KALLCO-Project for JR Real Invest GmbH
20,96 kWh/m²a

The remarkable residential complex on a commercially used base zone is located at the conspicuous intersection of Ziegelhofstrasse and Quadenstrasse, opposite the Hirschstetten flower garden.
In order to be visible from a distance, a police station, a drugstore and a further retail area are planned. Above this, there are 123 rentable apartments suitable for singles, couples and families with private open spaces such as gardens, balconies or terraces. In addition to the architectural peculiarity, this project has the qualities deliberately set on sustainability, such as SliM building® construction and Klima Loop® from KALLCO - associated with this, is a high building flexibility and - thanks to geothermal energy use for heating and cooling - an excellent energy balance. (Text: KALLCO)