Agricultural college Bruck

For the specialized training 'wood processing', the province of Salzburg needed a model workshop, which should be possible at each of the four agricultural schools in the province of Salzburg according to the same pedagogical space requirements. A simple and compact building was required, which had to be aligned according to the training requirements, but which also had to be similar to a company and easy to survey for the workshop supervisor.

Building owner

Federal state of Salzburg




Lisa Jindra (Griesebner), Federal state of Salzburg

Specialist planning

Carpenter and general contractor: Meiberger Holzbau; energy concept: FIN Harald Kuster; HKLS: Niederegger&Haslinger; electricity: Gerstgraser Friedrich

FIN - Future is Now Kuster Energielösungen GmbH
Land Salzburg

For the specialized training 'wood processing', the province of Salzburg needed a model workshop, which should be possible at each of the four agricultural schools in the province of Salzburg according to the same pedagogical space requirements. A simple and compact building was required, which had to be aligned according to the training requirements, but which also had to be similar to a company and easy to survey for the workshop supervisor. 

The result was an innovative and cost-effective building. 70m² solar collectors ensure that the building is supplied exclusively with solar energy. The energy yield of the collectors is stored via a buffer tank (5000 I) in the concrete core - a 40 cm thick concrete floor slab. The buffer tank serves as an intermediate storage in case the concrete core is fully charged, as well as for the higher temperature needed for heating water. The construction costs of the entire heating system amounted to € 71,000 and are therefore in the range of a conventional system when the connection costs for district heating are taken into account. The Agricultural school Bruck saves - at current energy prices - annual energy costs of about 3,000 €.

Land Salzburg