Redevelopment Armbrustergasse

An old residential building was renovated and extended - the special feature here: the flair of the building was preserved, only a look into the backyard reveals the massive reconstruction. Plus point: Building component activation was implemented, for heating and cooling.

Building owner


Construction company

Jäger GesmbH

Heating demand

32,9 kWh/m²

Der Hinterhof des Gebäudes ist zu sehen, mit neuen Holz-Terrassen und großen Fensterflächen
Florian Frey

The old residential building that was originally located here could no longer be renovated and therefore had to be demolished in its entirety. Together with the architect, the client decided to build spacious apartments with flexible floor plans. The newly built structure was to fit in a contemporary interpretation in the historical architectural context and the special features of the site, including its requirements, such as the dedication as a protected zone.

Sustainability in an expanded form was on the agenda: durability of materials, cooperation with regional producers to the greatest possible extent, barrier-free accessibility, sensitive and integrative green space planning, and a dedicated energy concept with component activation of the ceilings for heating and cooling, deep drilling with 13 geothermal probes and heat pump, and photovoltaics on the roof. Marco Ostertag and his team have a clear goal in mind: "Energy self-sufficiency and a zero-energy balance. The entire building technology is monitored by an external monitoring system that checks the daily target and actual values and optimizes them if necessary. It's a simple, state-of-the-art system that maximizes energy efficiency."

(Text: ostertag Architects; in shortened form)

Große Holzterrasse vor einer Glasfront im Hinterhof des Gebäudes
Florian Frey
Garten mit Sträuchern und Rasen hinter dem Wohngebäude
Florian Frey
Das Gebäude mit seinen Balkonen im Hintergund. Im Vordergrund sind Sträucher zu sehen und der Rasen im Garten
Florian Frey