Redevelopment residential building Große Neugasse

For the non-profit developer Sozialbau, the refurbishment of its existing buildings is an important concern. The use of the facade to increase energy efficiency is a decisive and promising measure.

Building owner

Sozialbau AG




Universität für Bodekultur Wien, Institut Verfahrens- und Energietechnik

Institute of Building Research & Innovation ZT GmbH
Specialist planning

building services: Vasko + Partner;
facade: Sareno;
windows: Lederbauer

Heating demand

before: 57,47 kWh/m²a
now: 17,56 kWh/m²a

zu sehen ist ein Teil eines großen Mehrfamilienhauses, dessen Fassade mit Gerüst verbaut ist. Zwischen den Fenstern in der Fassade sind rote Leitungen zu sehen, die in die alte Fassade eingefräst und befestigt wurden.
Sozialbau AG

Buildings from the 1970s, such as the one in Große Neugasse in Vienna's 4th district, are numerous. At that time, people built quickly and did not pay much attention to the thermal qualities of the buildings. It had to be done quickly, and many apartments were needed. For Sozialbau, one of Austria's largest non-profit developers, refurbishment is the biggest ecological lever in older housing stock. Almost all of Sozialbau's older housing complexes have already been thermally refurbished, making a significant contribution to CO2 savings. To date, a total of 233 residential buildings with over 17,000 apartments have been thermally renovated - this corresponds to an average reduction in heating requirements of 70 kWh per square meter per year. In addition, the thermal improvement of existing buildings results in an annual reduction of CO2 emissions by 34,188 tons.

But for Ernst Bach, board member and director of home management at Sozialbau, this is not enough. He discovered so-called external component activation as the best achievement for supplying older residential buildings with fossil-free energy.
Bach's flair for novelties and his enthusiasm for unusual solutions are well known in the industry. Without further ado, he confronted his team with his idea of not messing around, but simply milling open the facades, laying pipes in the ducts and thus heating and cooling the building - with the help of external component activation. After a few milling attempts, a suitable milling machine was found ... a milling robot was ordered in China for the next facades. The buildings of Große Neugasse could thus be adapted without the residents having to move out. In the spring, the nine ground probes will be drilled in the courtyard of the neighboring building, heat pumps and the photovoltaic system will be installed on the roof. After the milling work, the pipes will be plastered and thermal insulation will be applied.

(Text: Gisela Gary; Z+B magazine; in shortened form)

Bild von oben nach unten fotografiert zwischen Gerüst und Fassade. Zu sehen sind die eingefrästen roten Heiz-/Kühlleitungen, die ganz oben einen halb Kreis machen und wieder zurück nach unten verlaufen.
Sozialbau AG
Ein Arbeiter mit rotem Gehörschutz und Schutzbrille fräst mit einer roten Maschine der Firma Hilti die Fugen für die Leitungen in die alte, verputzte Fassade. Im hintergrund sind bereits rote Leitungen in der Wand zu sehen.
Sozialbau AG
Das Gebäudeeck mit Gerüst eingekleidet ist hinter den weißen Schutznetzen des Gerüsts zu erkennen.
Sozialbau AG
Hinter den Schutznetzen des Gerüsts sind Arbeiter zu sehen, die zwischen den Fenstern die roten Leitungen verlegen und besfestigen.
Sozialbau AG
Es ist der Arm einer Person zu sehen, die in der Hand eine Kelle hält und die roten leitungen mit Spachtelmasse in der Fassade beseftigt und abdeckt.
Sozialbau AG