Apartment building Egnach

In Egnach, energy-saving heating and cooling is being used in an innovative way in a new apartment building. The use of a modern heat pump solution based on geothermal energy and thermal component activation creates a remarkably pleasant indoor climate.

Building owner





1.445 m²

Specialist planning
Das dreigeschossige Mehrfamilienhaus von der Seite. Das zweite Obergeschoss ist nach hinten versetzt und bildet somit eine Terrasse auf die gesamte Länge des Hauses.

The apartment building in Egnach uses the concept of concrete core activation to heat or cool via the ceilings as required. The thermally activated concrete surface covers an area of 1,445 square meters, which is distributed across the building's 17 apartments.

The comprehensive distribution allows for low flow temperatures and thus reduces the electricity requirements of the heat pump. The pleasant radiant heat from the ceiling penetrates the entire room, heats additional building components and creates a cozy atmosphere.
"The system was put into operation in summer 2023. With the lower flow temperatures, the efficiency is improved in any case. The lower stroke of the heat pump results in energy benefits. In addition, passive cooling is more efficient, which in turn leads to greater regeneration of the geothermal probes. Calculations on operating energy are available and confirm these positive effects," explains Lukas Nyffenegger.

This technology not only offers additional usable space through ceiling integration, but also increases the value of properties through a more pleasant indoor climate. It enables cost-effective cooling in hot summer months, is easy to maintain and has a long service life, which leads to lower maintenance costs in the long term. It also turns home users into electricity producers through the use of PV electricity, which increases self-consumption and reduces energy costs. Significant cost savings are realized through intelligent control systems. This comprehensive benefit, together with emission-free operation, not only contributes to ESG and taxonomy compliance, but also to achieving climate targets - a significant step for the real estate sector to take.

Loggien und Terrassen sind übereinander, jeweils an der Ecke des Hauses, angeordnet.. Das Gebäude ist von grünem Rasen umgeben.
Die unteren zwei Geschosse sind in weiß verputzt. Das obere Geschoss ist in einem grau-braun gestrichen.
Vor dem Haus wird noch der Garten angelegt. Ein kleiner Baum wurde bereits gesetzt. Davor befinden sich zwei Parkplätze.