John Cranko school

The famous John Cranko Ballet School in Stuttgart has been given a new "cross over" building. The three main functional areas, consisting of housing (boarding school and academy), school (dance training, classrooms and administration) and the rehearsal stage, have been architecturally formed into a single unit.

Building owner

Federal State Baden Württemberg




Burger Rudacs Architects, Wenzel + Wenzel Free architects Dipl.-Ing.

Specialist planning
Brigida González, Stuttgart

The famous John Cranko Ballet School in Stuttgart has been given a new "cross over" building. The three main functional areas, consisting of housing (boarding school and academy), school (dance training, classrooms and administration) and the rehearsal stage, have been architecturally formed into a single unit. 

The heat requirement with the EnEV 2009 target (-30 percent) is achieved through the ventilation and extraction provided in wide areas with highly efficient heat recovery, use of district heating as the main heat supplier and regenerative cooling via a 1,000 m³ ice store. A concrete core activation system with an effective total area of 4,200 m² is used as the base load for heating and cooling the ballet halls. In order not to reduce the heating or cooling capacity too much, the floor ceilings are not equipped with a closed intermediate ceiling. The acoustically effective vertical baffles in the ballet halls are therefore also designed to meet the requirements of the concrete core activation system. (Text source: shortened version)

Brigida González, Stuttgart
Brigida González, Stuttgart
Brigida González, Stuttgart
Brigida González, Stuttgart
Brigida González, Stuttgart