50 Hertz

On a once desolate 40-hectare site north of Berlin's main station, a new residential and business district has been created. The corporate headquarters of the electricity transmission grid operator 50Hertz is another building block that has been added to the site. A tower-like structure with six floors rises above a seven-story base building with an L-shaped ground plan.

Building owner

50Hertz Transmission, Berlin



Specialist planning

Ed. Züblin, Stuttgart (general contractor)

HG Esch, Hennef/Stadt Blankenberg

On a once desolate 40-hectare site north of Berlin's main station, a new residential and business district has been created. The corporate headquarters of the electricity transmission grid operator 50Hertz is another building block that has been added to the site. A tower-like structure with six floors rises above a seven-story base building with an L-shaped ground plan.

The thermal activation of the concrete ceilings covers the basic thermal loads on the individual floors all year round. 240 industrial distributors, connected to the surface temperature control system, ensure the heating and cooling supply. During the summer months, displacement ventilation systems are used in addition, which operate with low air exchange rates. The cool air enters the rooms from below via appropriate air outlets. In the foyer and the conference rooms, water-supported heating/cooling ceilings made of plasterboard ensure a pleasant indoor climate. A PV and a small wind turbine are located on the flat roof to generate green electricity. Water-saving fixtures, power-saving lights, and the use of waste heat complete the sustainable building concept.

(Text source: www.baunetzwissen.de in shortened form)

HG Esch, Hennef/Stadt Blankenberg
HG Esch, Hennef/Stadt Blankenberg
HG Esch, Hennef/Stadt Blankenberg
HG Esch, Hennef/Stadt Blankenberg