
The office building with up to 420 workplaces is the head of a row of buildings along the Berliner Ring in the "Science Park II" in Ulm. The symmetrical, compact structure has 5 floors with a 3-sided, spatially curved facade. The center is formed by a glass-roofed atrium of approx. 430 m² floor space with the same ground plan.

Building owner

Software AG foundation, Darmstadt



Heating Demand

12 kWh/m²a

Special Planning

eböck engineering office, Tübingen

Plan7 Archiktekten, Stuttgart

The office building with up to 420 workplaces is the head of a row of buildings along the Berliner Ring in the "Science Park II" in Ulm. The symmetrical, compact structure has 5 floors with a 3-sided, spatially curved facade. The center is formed by a glass-roofed atrium of approx. 430 m² floor space with the same ground plan.

The building's heat supply is primarily based on a 185 kW district heating connection to a network with combined heat and power (energy sources: currently coal and natural gas, in the future 40% biomass share). The district heating serves the heating circuits of concrete core activation, central supply air reheating and hot water preparation for the kitchen. In all other floors, hot water is produced via electric instantaneous water heaters due to the low demand. The waste heat from the cooling units of central EDP rooms and the kitchen is fed with priority into the concrete core activation. The field of 40 geothermal probes, each with a drilling depth of 100 m, is primarily used for summer heat dissipation. Water from the concrete core activation system flows directly through the borehole heat exchangers. A 15 kWp solar power system is located on the flat roof (pitch: 3 degrees, orientation: south and northwest) of the building. (Text source: www.baunetzwissen.de in shortened form)

Plan7 Archiktekten, Stuttgart
Plan7 Archiktekten, Stuttgart
Plan7 Archiktekten, Stuttgart