MedUni Campus Mariannengasse
The Medical University of Vienna and the Federal Real Estate Company are building the new MedUni Campus Mariannengasse on the site of the former Wien Energie Center in Vienna Alsergrund by the end of 2025. To this end, all listed buildings or those located in the protection zone will be converted and renovated in compliance with official requirements. Parts of the existing building complex will be demolished. The finished campus will offer modern conditions for 2,000 medical students on 35,000 m².
Completion of dismantling
8.200 m2
Building owner
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H. (BIG)
Specialist planning
Project participants
Effect archieved
7100 hours of employment / 20 people employed
60.8 tons for re-use
81.2 tons recycled

Harald A. Jahn
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