School Köln-Deutz
The Brügelmannstraße secondary school in Cologne-Deutz is one of the most sustainable schools in Germany. It consists of flexible cluster areas that personalise lessons and provide a pleasant learning environment.
The project uses sustainable materials such as recycled concrete and fly ash instead of cement. It is aiming for the PLATIN seal of approval from the DGNB. An efficient and resource-saving energy supply is ensured with 59 geothermal probes, a heat pump and a solar system. With a primary energy requirement of 45.9 kWh/m², the building meets the highest standards.
19.719 m²

The grammar school is one of the most sustainable and modern schools in Germany. It is divided into bright and high-quality cluster areas based on a cross-classroom structure. Each year group forms a cluster with classrooms, common areas and differentiation rooms. The aim of this flexible room design is to personalise lessons and offer pupils a pleasant learning environment.
The project uses a combination of different materials such as recycled concrete, fly ash instead of cement and the installation of wooden elements to promote sustainability. The building is aiming for a PLATIN seal of approval from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), making it a pioneering project throughout Germany. For example, resource conservation is being realised through the use of RC concrete with a high proportion of recycled aggregate.
In addition, 59 geothermal probes with an output of up to 375 kilowatts and a depth of up to 99 metres ensure a reliable and resource-saving heating and cooling supply. In conjunction with a heat pump, the rooms can be optimally cooled and heated with a coverage rate of 95 per cent. A solar rooftop system with an output of 80 kWp ensures a sustainable power supply. The building also meets the highest standards in terms of construction, with a primary energy requirement of 45.9 kilowatt hours per square metre and an efficiency house class of 40.
The new secondary school in Cologne-Deutz is a showcase project for sustainable construction and modern educational architecture. It offers space for 1,000 pupils and comprises a five-storey main building and an adjoining gymnasium. The school building is divided into three learning blocks, each with three storeys, which are connected via a transverse building.
The focus on sustainability is particularly noteworthy:
- Use of 21,000 cubic metres of recycled concrete (ECOPact R) from Holcim
- 59 geothermal probes for a sustainable heating and cooling supply
- Solar system with 80 kWp output
- Aspiring DGNB platinum certificate